welcome to The Virginia Society


We are committed to preserving and restoring our tangible heritage while educating the public, especially youth, about early American history and its relevance today. We reinterpret our collections to address cultural issues and value the study and teaching of history. We aim to foster patriotism and love of country, uphold high professional and ethical standards, and maintain the highest conduct in our relationships and Society management. Our goal is to be an educational and cultural resource for the citizens of Virginia and beyond.

Founded in 1892

The Virginia Society is part of the NSCDA (founded in 1891), an unincorporated association of 44 Corporate Societies with over 15,000 members. The NSCDA has been a leader in the field of historic preservation, restoration and the interpretation of historic sites. In addition to its broad based activities in the museum field, the Society sponsors a number of scholarship programs and other historic preservation, patriotic service and educational projects to further the aims and objects of the Society. Membership in the organization is by sponsorship only. Members must be lineal descendants of an ancestor who rendered significant service to this country during the Colonial period before July 5, 1776.

Distinctive Attributes

What we have – A proud tradition of service to the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia since 1892, as well as a remarkable historic house and collection of objects, memorials, markers and genealogical records.

What we do with it – Wilton House Museum, its collection and our genealogical records are the tools we use to fulfill our mission. With these tools, we serve our members and the community with educational programs and activities. It is our obligation to ensure the security, preservation, conservation, and appropriate interpretation of these tools.

How we do it – We, the members, gain inspiration and knowledge through offering the public opportunities to learn about history in an accurate, balanced and honest manner, and to be inspired by our common heritage. We are the stewards of an organization with a record of longevity and stability, and we are compelled to protect its dignity, credibility and vitality.

Our History

Grounds are open to the public Tuesday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Rental Showings are by appointment only.

Transform your event with the inspiring backdrop of the James River in the heart of the City.

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